
Coping With Losing Your Best Friend

Losing your best pet friend is sometimes harder from one pet to the other. It is as if there is no rhyme or reason to it, but here are the things that would helped you heal. That’s not to say that you will miss him any less, but here are some tips that will make the the pain tolerable.



  • Have a celebrate of the good fortune that you have had with your pet friend in your life!
  • Focus on the happiest feelings and memories in your head, picture you and your pet friend were happy
  • Have your pet friend’s pictures, collages on your desk or a digital photo slide show.
  • Thinking it as ‘glass is half full’ situation. You had your time with him/her, so be grateful of all the moments despite of the loss.
  • Let yourself to have a cry and be sad when it comes to the moment.
  • Don’t say no to another dog just yet. Give it a time
  • Accept heartbreak moment and the same time be mindful life is not always fair.
  • Sometimes feeling guilty of losing beloved dog is what you naturally feel. Don’t feel shame or remorse. This is when we can’t change the event of our life and we should learn to move on.



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