Dogs are lovable pets, as some even see it belittling to refer to them as mere pets due to the level of intimacy shared with them. And there is every tendency to get obsessed with those man-friendly creatures.
We all are mostly guilty of referring to our pooch as the best. We don’t fail to mention them in talks of how they have been so helpful, playful and loyal. We so much love their companionship and may even refer to it as the best one can ever have.
With the nature of this kind of companion, with whom we have no fear of betrayal, heartbreak, or some possible challenges we face with fellow humans, some of us tend to get obsessed with them, hence give them more, show them more than a mere dog would receive. These can be asserted when the following are observed in your relationship with your pooch:
Personifying your pooch
When you find yourself talking to your dog, telling it about how your day went, the fun and stress at work, your adventures. And you feel, your dear poochy is listening with a tender heart, and not judging you for your actions or inactions, then you should guess right that you are getting obsessed with your Max.
When you are taking care of Bailey like you would take care of a son, showering it with gift items and toys, you even provide it with its own bed and the best of things, feeling “yeah, it’s necessary to take of you, buddy”, then you guys have got a special relationship, and you will soon stop referring to Bailey as an “it”.
Checking out your counter for treats, we can find dog treats so beautifully presented that it could be mistaken for human treats. You are so accustomed to preparing for your dog, and even have it placed side by side with yours. Of course, what’s bad in it? It’s Sophie’s meal, yeah your lovable Sophie.
“Charlie’s diet must be balanced,” you always ensure. He must have a well proportioned healthy food. It deserves the best meals.
You always ensure he features in your family portrait as part of the family. At this point, you would possibly make your buddy bear your last name as you have probably given it a place in your family tree.
Showering with nothing but the best services
You go at any length to take care of your pooch. You ensure they get the full treatment. You don’t even mind if they appear more elegant than you do.
Even in your absence, if you will be away, you want to make sure your wonderful companion has the best babysitting, and you employ the best professionals to that regard.
Not minding the inconveniences
When our dear Molly soils things, and have you make several repairs often, and you don’t mind. You are always ready to repair whatever she (like you would refer to it now) has damaged; then Molly can be said to have a potent place in your consciousness.
You are walking around the home, and frequently tripping off by stepping on toys acquired for your Jack, they are littered everywhere within the home, and you can barely find a space to sit or place your fit. “They surely deserve to be occupied with other things in your absence, and the toys you buy for them are just some little sacrifices to make up that,” you think.
Providing psychological treatments
Just like you would do for your kids, you organize play dates for your pooch and watch it interact with other dogs, and you have new memories of your pooch you can enjoy sharing with others.
The height of intimacy
You have the picture of this pet as your wallpaper. And you hit it each time you pick up your gadget to access, and all you first see is your Bruno, and you are always reminded of the good times you share together.
Cooper’s smell is always over you, so is his hair. Always washing them off, yet remains. You really don’t mind; it’s your pooches. You are even always eager to explain it.
The height of your affection for Abby is reached when you find it difficult to sleep without her by your side. You are used to sharing just a part of your bed, while she occupies the rest, and you find it inconvenient when you have the whole bed to yourself. Then, you no longer need to be sure if you are obsessed or not.
You can no longer imagine life without your Billy; you are just so happy he came into your world. You are like, what would have become of you without him. He gives you all you want, you are provided with the friendship, love, affection, and loyalty you require from anyone. Billy is family.